07 November, 2006

Join (RED)

Just saying. Check it out. Apparently when you buy shit, money goes to help people with AIDS in Africa. Sounds good to me.

Once again the private sector bitch slaps the government in effectiveness.



hatsumi said...

Flame me all you like, but don't you think we should be taking care of AIDS in our own country first? We're so busy helping everyone else and spreading our resources so thin that we have sick, dying, hungry, homeless people all over the damned place here. And we think we're so fucking high and mighty for helping people in other countries. When are we going to learn that you can't help others until you help yourself? Pisses me off. (It's election day, so I'm especially disgusted with humanity today, in case you hadn't noticed...)

Rivers said...

Ever the cynical. I look at it this way. Yes, there are sick, hungry, homeless people here. My uncle was a dying person here and had no medical and died because of it. At 47. I used to wonder in high school if my mother and I were going to be homeless and hungry. My point is when there is a shoe that I can buy where half the money goes to a person with AIDS here, I will by that shoe. But there isn't. There is a shoe that will help a dying child in Africa. I'm buying that fucking shoe. And if that means I think I'm high and mighty, then fuck it. I'll be labeled that.

And more people die of starvation and malaria in Africa than they do here. Which is also what this charity is for.

Rivers said...

And since I can edit my comments, I'll add another. This just isn't the US. It's the UK too.

hatsumi said...

So because you can't buy a shoe for someone here, you'll buy one for someone in another country instead of figuring out a way that your money can help your own country? I would say that your not a patriot, but that's not really an insult anymore. It pisses me off that we can't help people here. It also pisses me off that since we can't help people here, we make ourselves feel better by helping other countries. If that's not justification, I don't know what is.

Rivers said...

Well I don't quite know where the shoes are made. Where ever Converse has their shoes made is the same as the "Red" shoes. But yes, I would very much like to see us help out people out as well. I would diffenatly like seeing something similar for our people that really need help. But since Americans are assholes, it's not cool or trendy to start a similar thing for ourselves. It means we're wrong and god forbid THAT ever happens. It pisses me off too.