02 February, 2007


God bless the Wii. And friends who like Wii Sports and have a neighbor with wireless internet. Because of this combo, I now have Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda on my Wii. Mmm.

The fist time I played Zelda, was in 1987. The year it came out. I was addicted. But as so many did, I had problems keeping my game saves. So I never got very far. I had to start over so many times. I got to Death Mountain once. Well years went on and I played Zelda II religiously, but again never got to far. It wasn't until I was about 11 that I decided I would power through the game and beat it. It required me leaving my NES on for a week straight, but I beat it. I was happy. Now as for the second quest, I looked around, but haven't even completed level 1 in that quest. I beat the one that counts, So I moved on.

Well upon downloading the game onto my Wii, I decided that I was going to play the second quest. This way, it would be like playing Zelda for the first time. Oh boy.

I powered through the first quest like Speed Racer on Meth. No deaths. I kicked Gannon's ass. Now as I just started the second quest today, I am getting my ass handed to me. The only thing I know for sure, is that the first level is in the same place. But as I was exploring, it seems to be the only one. Also, I didn't die once in the first quest. I haven't even gone into level one yet and I've died 6 times. Good Lord.

So, I am happy. I feel 7 years old again. God Bless the Wii, God bless Nintendo.

1 comment:

hatsumi said...

You're alive~! I was beginning to wonder, man...