23 May, 2007

Spider-Man 3

Well in all honesty I didn't really plan on writing a review about Spidey 3. Mainly because I have been soooooo busy lately that blogging is the furthest from my mind. But alas I guess my loyal readers should know. All two of you.

I loved it. I'm guessing by hatsumi's response, I am alone on my feelings. So let me explain why:

Now don't get me wrong, the first two movies where better. Spider-man was the perfect super-hero origin movie. And Spider-man 2 was just plain perfect. It is definitely the best of the lot. I loved Spidey 3, because it was fun. Also, it had a lot going on.

First you got Sandman. Probably the best moment visually and emotionally in the film, is when Sand-man comes out of the pit of sand, and has to learn to walk. Then, sees his daughters lock-it, reaches for it, and fails. When he finally gets it, he looks at it, and you can see the emotion in the character's eyes. Then gets up, and walks off like a bad ass. Second, you got Harry Osborn. The development of that character was great. I really am at a loss of words to describe the cluster fuck that was Harry's character. He wants to kill his best friend to avenge his father that ignored him. Then loses his memory and we are shown how great friends Peter and Harry really are. But he gets it back and more cluster fuckage. Only for him to forgive Peter in a sense, and fight along with him, even dying for him. Third, there was Peter. Oh God a cluster fuck of character development. You got Peter and Mary-Jane, Peter and Harry, Peter and Eddie Brock, Peter and Himself. FUCK. Man what the hell? Peter gets so full of himself that he doesn't realize that he isn't there for his woman, which leads to the problems that he has with Mary-Jane, opening Harry to fuck him over, which also leads to him fucking over Eddie, which ultimately leads to Venom. Then there's the fact that he learns that his uncle's killer is out there, and is the sanded freak he fought. Then turns to the Symbiot so he can do what he wouldn't ordinarily do, murder. Then he lets it engulf him and he head towards a downward spiral. Which in the end he overcomes and learns a thing about forgiveness. This my friends, was a lot of ground to cover

Now for the bad. Because of all the ground to cover, they didn't stay on one thing to flesh it out. Because of this I feel Venom to the sidelines. If you do really think about it, Venom is all over this movie. Not as "Venom," but as Peter's srutggles with the suit, and his confidence. Because of all these things happening with the plot, it was confusing. There was a lot to follow. This would have been a better movie if the just left either Sand-man, or Venom out. I think it should have just been about Harry and Sandman. You can tell that Sam Raimi didn't like Venom. It was just kind of there. Because of trying to force Venom into the movie, nobody got their real moment to shine. Every thing was just enough to get to the end. We get one emotional scene with Flint at home with his daughter. We get one fight scene with black Spidey fight Sandman, and we only get a couple of scenes with Peter and Harry going at it. And of course, we only get a hurried fight with Venom at the end. Not to mention Sandman just didn't get a good enough presence in this film. I think that to properly do Venom, you need to introduce the Symbiot in another movie and have the second be about the struggle to get away from it, and Venom becomes the only villain. That's my opinion. Another thing I wish they did, was play on the spider senses more. It NEVER came into play. One could argue that it did when Harry threw the pumpkin bomb at Peter and he slingshoted it back to him. But in the first fight, Harry totally catches Peter by surprise, that just wouldn't have happened. Unless you argue that the spider senses didn't see his friend Harry, as a threat, but that's bullshit. So because of not showing the spider senses, we don't get the effect that Venom isn't detected by them. That would have had some niceness to it.So yes, I was a little disappointed with it. I think they should have either done Venom proper justice, or not at all. It feel short of what it was trying to do, and failed as an end to the trilogy.

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But overall, I had fun with it. I liked it. I'll watch it again. But if thirty years go by, and I am as big of a director as I want to be, I will restart the Spidey movies, and do Venom justice. Oh, and make Eddie a reporter, not a photog. That was bullshit.

07 May, 2007

Moshi moshi~!

Anyone home? Come on. You've GOT to give us your thoughts on Spiderman 3. I didn't buy you that dancing and singing Spiderman toy for nothing, you know... ;-) Of course, it's possible that you're too traumatized to even remember how to type from the shock of the horror which was that movie.

29 April, 2007

OMG! Zombies!

Well at one time last week, I was going every day of this years Kawaii-Kon. However, I guess cameramen at work can't cary a twenty pound camera after shoulder surgery. Pussies. But I got to go a little bit last night and today. And it was dee-lish! Next year at this time I hope to be in LA. If I can get the time and money to attend next year, you bet your foam Keyblade I will be.

So today I was just chillin'. The director of the documentary and I had an interview with Vic Mignogna. (Now I hate English voice actors with a firery passion, but Vic will escape my wrath. He's that cool.) After talking to Vic, it was chill time. I wanted to get some Halo on, but by the time I went there, there was some DS tournament happening. So no Halo for me. Well as I continued to chill, Justin came to me and asked if I would bust out my camera at tape a skit. I said sure. Here is the result.

So needless to say, awesome. I hope the tradition is alive next year. And I hope some one tapes it.

Also, come Halloween '08, I will be dressing up as a Ghostbuster. Home made proton pack and all. Then, it will be duty to dress as a Ghostbuster at every con I attend. Mean.

Handshakes and Butterflies,

02 February, 2007


God bless the Wii. And friends who like Wii Sports and have a neighbor with wireless internet. Because of this combo, I now have Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda on my Wii. Mmm.

The fist time I played Zelda, was in 1987. The year it came out. I was addicted. But as so many did, I had problems keeping my game saves. So I never got very far. I had to start over so many times. I got to Death Mountain once. Well years went on and I played Zelda II religiously, but again never got to far. It wasn't until I was about 11 that I decided I would power through the game and beat it. It required me leaving my NES on for a week straight, but I beat it. I was happy. Now as for the second quest, I looked around, but haven't even completed level 1 in that quest. I beat the one that counts, So I moved on.

Well upon downloading the game onto my Wii, I decided that I was going to play the second quest. This way, it would be like playing Zelda for the first time. Oh boy.

I powered through the first quest like Speed Racer on Meth. No deaths. I kicked Gannon's ass. Now as I just started the second quest today, I am getting my ass handed to me. The only thing I know for sure, is that the first level is in the same place. But as I was exploring, it seems to be the only one. Also, I didn't die once in the first quest. I haven't even gone into level one yet and I've died 6 times. Good Lord.

So, I am happy. I feel 7 years old again. God Bless the Wii, God bless Nintendo.