08 December, 2006

Oh, HELL, no...

Let me start by saying that Firefly is fucking awesome. And because it is so awesome, this is going to suck ASS.


Not that space MMO's are bad or anything. I'm REALLY looking forward to Star Trek Online. But let's compare the two. Star Trek has a huge universe, an established system of government and politics, etc. Firefly has...well, pirates in the sky, pretty much. Sure, it could be good, but there just isn't enough to work with.

In any case, this is sacrilege. Rivers is the expert, though. What say ye?

05 December, 2006

OMG! Z3lda

Yes, Z3lda, with a capital 3.

I finally beat it today. I could have beat it this week end, but I missed an important thing, and needed to back track. Fortunately, I found it rather quick.

Zelda has kicked my ass. Not cause it was very hard, just that it was so damn good. I will be posting a review later this week for all who are interested. All two of you... who have played it... anyway. I will also post a Wii review and a couple of the games I just got at Blockbuster.



07 November, 2006

Guitar Hero And Rockstars

So I read this article on Slasdot that I found amusing. I think the part that I like the most was the quote: "It doesn't have anything to do with playing guitar."

Just thought I'd let you know what the writers of the songs of that game thought of it.

Join (RED)

Just saying. Check it out. Apparently when you buy shit, money goes to help people with AIDS in Africa. Sounds good to me.

Once again the private sector bitch slaps the government in effectiveness.


30 October, 2006

Fear and Loathing in Honolulu

This is an interesting little pocket in time that we live in. We are just like those poor dead idiots that have died before us. The saying history repeats its self should win an award called the "No Shit Sherlock" The only real difference is that we know more about them than they knew about their poor dead idiots that came before them. We have an inflamed sense of awareness in our own time.

What this has to do with the point of my bloggings to you today, I have no idea. Just shit like finding you own little pocket in the world at a point in time fascinates me. And to just say history repeats its self just make me think of having a new award displayed in my room.

With all that being said, I found my "place". I have longed for a place where I could go after a day of work and have a few beers, and be merry. I thought I had found that place in Pink Cadillac. But the truth was, I wasn't really happy there. Underage girls pretending they know it all may sound appealing, but it really isn't.

Last Saturday I went to a club called Next Door. Perhaps it is my fascination with brick warehouses that intrigued me about this place? Since just put in a bar in one of those and you get what it looks like. Or maybe it was the women who would actually talk to me instead of ignore me? Hot women. over the legal drinking age. Or maybe the fact that this place didn't play gangstah rap? The Bass on tap? Either way, I loved it. And the fact that everyone knew what my costume was (Hunter S. Thompson) made this place special. I found my pocket.

Twenty years from now, when the place is torn down to make way for more apartments the people of this island can't afford, I will look back and remember my times there. The weird, strange drunken times. And that was my little pocket in time. I can say I lived then.


28 October, 2006

And so it begins...

Well with ddaydj starting to get rid of OtakuVibe, it is time to start my own blog thingy. Now I probably will post more on this thing since it is my own, and I won't feel obligated for it to be geek related. Although it probably will still be that way.

So hope you like it. And if not, I don't particularly give a shit. I have to be up by 7 am tomorrow, and it is now three o'clock in the am. So bed time for me. Hopefully I will get to dry hump Kevin Smith tomorrow. One can hope.
