16 January, 2008

It's coming.

Well as much as I wish I could write my review, I have a lot of work today. I will post it tomorrow night. If you care, which you probably don't since I liked Spider-Man 3. Which I haven't bought on DVD yet. And won't anytime soon. Hopefully that can get my street cred back up.

14 January, 2008

Sarah Connor Chronicles Review

So I watched Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles last night. The second part is tonight. I'll wait until I see it before I write my review of it. Overall I enjoyed it. There are a few thing that aren't... well tickling my pickle. One of those things is definitely not The Glau. She floats the boat that belongs to me... or something...

04 January, 2008

Firefly MMO and other stuffs

Yes, I'm alive, try not to faint.

What has prompted me to make a blog in quite a long time is... well I'm at work, and bored. This led me to check out Whedonesque. Basically a fan site of everything Joss Whedon (of Buffy fame) and things relating to him. I normally go there due to the fact the Joss himself uses the site to post and communicate to his fans. And since I am trying to keep up to date on the writers' strike, Joss normally has the most insightful stuff to say.

Whilst on the site I got an update on the Firefly MMORPG. So far, no real info other than Multiverse talking about how awsome Firefly is, like we need to be reminded, and how they can't wait to make it. The thing that concerns me is, are they any good at making games. I wish I could say that it would be a slam dunk. Kinda like when I heard a romantic musical drama using only Beatles music had no chance of sucking. With this game, I just can't say. The fact that there is offical maps, and planet and cultural stuff printed and given the ok from Joss himself, he - as far as I can tell - has nothing to do with the game. And the big concern is that FOX seems to be in on the deal. Since when has FOX done anything awesome lately? Oh... wait. the Summer Glau... er I mean the Sarah Connor Chronicles... well it hasn't been canceled... yet.

But the worst thing about the whole Firefly MMO is the fact that also due out, is a Star Trek MMO. This is problematic. And not in a ice-planet sort of way. Basically, providing that the Firefly MMO doesn't suck, I, as a person, will cease to exist. I will be forever lost in between the two worlds like a dog trying to decide to eat a tasty treat or lick its own ass. Treat ass treat ass treat ass... etc. There might be hope if the Firefly games sucks, then I might be able to sleep for 2 hours a night.

A bit of news I know to be awesome. Firefly will be coming out on Blu-ray one day. That makes me very happy.


Also I just tried a new shaving cream and after-shave. It leaves my face silky smooth. Totally awesome.